FACULTY & STAFF DETAILS (2024-2025) | |||||||||||||
Sl.no | Name of Staff | Father's Name | Address | Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC/Others) | Qualifications | Designation | Employee ID No. | Scale of Pay | Working Experience | Date of Birth | Date of Joining | Date of Superannuation | Contact Number |
1 | Hnamte Rebecca Lalbiakdiki | H.Doruma | Kahrawt, Champhai | ST | MA(Edn), B.Ed, Dip in ECCE, NET | Lecturer | RG022726 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 29.10.1978 | 02.09.2005 | 31.10.2038 | 9862657039 |
2 | Vanlalruati | ST Manga | Vengthlang, Champhai | ST | MA(Edn), B.Ed. | Lecturer | RG022834 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 05.08.1975 | 02.09.2005 | 31.08.2035 | 8014128865 |
3 | Baby Lalrindiki | Laldingi Khiangte | Vengthlang N, Champhai | ST | MA(Edn), B.Ed, NET | Lecturer | RG028050 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 05.09.1976 | 02.09.2005 | 30.09.2036 | 9862936392 |
4 | K.Lalremsangi | K Lalrinawma | Vengthlang, Champhai | ST | MA(Eng), B.Ed, DEPA | Lecturer | RG022829 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 14.04.1979 | 02.09.2005 | 30.04.2039 | 7085486313 |
5 | R Lalsawmliana | Rualzachhinga | Ramhlun N, Aizawl | ST | M.A(Geog), B.Ed, DEPA | Lecturer | RG025236 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 28.09.1973 | 02.09.2005 | 30.09.2033 | 8974401268 |
6 | Vanlaldiki | Vanlalmuana | Vengthlang, Champhai | ST | M.Sc (Zoo), B.Ed. | Lecturer | RG025144 | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 14.07.1975 | 02.09.2005 | 31.07.2035 | 9862672516 |
7 | Lalsangpuii | Pakunga | Bawngkawn Chhim veng, Aizawl | ST | MA (Edn.), B.Ed. NET | Lecturer | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 21.04.1972 | 02.09.2005 | 30.04.2032 | 9612131850 | |
8 | Lalrinpuii | C Ronghinga | MC Donald hill, Aizawl | ST | M.Sc (H.Sc), B.Ed. | Lecturer | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 12.06.1972 | 02.09.2005 | 30.06.2032 | 7005656020 | |
9 | Lallawmzuali | Biaksanga | Chaltlang Lily Veng, Aizawl | ST | MA (Hist.), B.Ed. DEPA | Lecturer | Level 10A (15600-39100) | 20 years | 02.11.1976 | 02.09.2005 | 30.11.2036 | 9862373623 | |
10 | Rebecca V Zuali | K Rohluna | Zemabawk, Aizawl | ST | M.Sc (Zoo), B.Ed | Lecturer | RG036253 | Level 10 (15600-39100) | 8 years | 30.01.1984 | 15.09.2017 | 31.01.2044 | 9615333440 |
11 | Dr. C Lalnunzira | C Lalthlamuana | Durtlang, Aizawl | ST | M.Sc (EVS), M.Ed, PhD, NET | Lecturer | RG036250 | Level 10 (15600-39100) | 8 years | 20.12.1987 | 15.09.2017 | 31.12.2047 | 9862335112 |
12 | Vanlalawii | Ngurzika | Lungpho, Serchhip | ST | M.Sc (Mathematics), M.Ed. NET | Lecturer | RG036254 | Level 10 (15600-39100) | 8 years | 14.01.1988 | 15.09.2017 | 31.01.2048 | 9863684257 |
13 | Hmingthansangi Hauhnar | Lalchhuanmawia | Sialsuk, Aizawl | ST | MA(Mizo), M.Ed. | Lecturer | RG036255 | Level 10 (15600-39100) | 8 years | 13.03.1983 | 15.09.2017 | 31.03.2043 | 9862860133 |
14 | HT Lalhmingmawia | Dohleia | Champhai Zotlang | ST | B.A | Accountant | RG014709 | Level 9 (9300-34800) | 18 years | 01.03.1975 | 08.10.2007 | 28.02.2035 | 9612235730 |
15 | K Lalremsiama | K Liandinga | Vengthlang, Champhai | ST | M.Lib.Sc | Librarian | RG015101 | Level 8 (9300-34800) | 18 years | 09.08.1979 | 28.02.2007 | 31.08.2039 | 9862612654 |
16 | HC Rohmingmawia | Satinduma | Vengsang, Champhai | ST | BA | UDC | RG015093 | Level 6 (5200-20200) | 13 years | 01.01.1972 | 01.09.2012 | 31.12.2031 | 9862732665 |
17 | C Ramdingsanga | C Lalchhuanawma | Champhai Zotlang | ST | BA | UDC | RG038576 | Level 6 (5200-20200) | 11 years | 14.10.1991 | 13.11.2014 | 30.04.2047 | 8014616267 |
18 | B Lalrinpuii | R Lalbiakdika | Champhai Zotlang | ST | BA | Stenographer Grade III | RG038574 | Level 6 (5200-20200) | 10 years | 08.10.1983 | 31.03.2015 | 30.10.2043 | 9862387065 |
19 | Rosalyn Lalruatdiki | Lalthianghlima Rokhum | Kulikawn, Aizawl | ST | B.Sc | Data Entry Operator | RG038608 | Level 5 (5200-20200) | 10 years | 08.03.1988 | 31.03.2015 | 30.03.2048 | 8416046730 |
20 | K Lalparmawii | K Sawiluaia | Kahrawt, Champhai | ST | BA | LDC | RG014718 | Level 4 (5200-20200) | 13 years | 18.05.1977 | 01.09.2012 | 31.05.2037 | 9862531953 |
21 | Rosy Lalchhuanmawii | R Rokiamlova | Kulikawn, Aizawl | ST | BA | LDC | RG038575 | Level 4 (5200-20200) | 10 years | 27.09.1985 | 02.09.2015 | 30.09.2045 | 8729829018 |
22 | Lalsangpuii | Raltama | Champhai Zotlang | ST | Class VIII | IV Grade | RG014710 | IS 1 (4440-7440) | 13 years | 12.02.1972 | 01.09.2012 | 28.02.2032 | 8414047930 |
23 | Vanlalringa | Lalrinawma | Kahrawt, Champhai | ST | Class VIII | IV Grade | RG014717 | IS 1 (4440-7440) | 13 years | 14.01.1976 | 01.09.2012 | 31.01.2036 | 7630081834 |